Texas Holdem: 4 Betting Structures Explained

Even though the United States have made it illegal to gamble online, poker keeps on gaining popularity through the different tournaments that are shown on television such as the World Series of Poker by ESPN. This created a problematic situation: while players claim that poker is not a game of chance, the US government decided that it is. For a few

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Playing Mp3s In The Car

Whether on the way to work, to drop the kids off at school, or going to the grocery store, everyone has a favorite radio station that they listen to while in the car. If its like most stations, they’ve got a mix of music that is hard to not sing along with and they probably claim to play 90 minutes of pure music with

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Why care if there is water in your compressed air?

Why care if there is water in your compressed air? The process of compressing air generates free water, and increases air borne water vapour. If you are not sure about why this occurs, take a look at the article on this site entitled “Why does water run out my compressed air line?”. So what is the problem with a

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Small Wonders: Single Board Computers

What are Single Board Computers When most people think of computers, the image of a PC or laptop comes to mind. Some may even recall the football field size computers of the 1960’s and 70’s before the emergence of the PC. Very few people would picture single board computers , even if there was one sitting right

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