Spy Gear: Is It Cool Or What?
Spy Gear: Is It Cool Or What?
Blog Article
With the new James Bond movie coming out soon, and the newest Mission Impossible movie available on DVD, the spy market is become very popular. Many people are amazed and excited about the thought of becoming a covert spy. Everyone has fantasized about being someone like James Bond, getting sent out on very important missions in far away exotic places.
Everyone loves James Bond, and he can get away with pretty much anything that he wants. It also does not hurt that he always ends up in bed with some of the most beautiful women in the world. I really love all of the spy gear that James Bond uses to do his job. Everything he carries along with him is very cool. I would have thought that this type of spy gear would be very hard to find. However I looked online and I found quite a few different web sites that have a wide variety of spy gear available.
Most of the spy gear that I saw on these web sites was geared towards surveillance, which is not surprising considering that the main point of spy work is surveillance. However if you are thinking that you are going to find a pen that is actually a bomb, you will probably be disappointed. I saw a large selection of different types of equipment for hidden communication, including small ear pieces, two-way radios, miniature microphones, and even small cameras to share pictures with someone else. Another section of the web sites were geared towards recording different things in the spys surroundings. This included very small audio tape recorders, video tape recorders, and I even saw a wrist watch that was actually a digital camera. The final group of spy gear that I saw on these web sites was different types of bullet proof vests that were hidden inside more casual clothing. Now that I know I can get all of the spy gear that I need to be a world-class spy, I just need someone to hire me for a dangerous mission, so that I can show my skills!
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